The Body and the Soul

I am a spiritual being inside a mortal body.

There are more questions than answers when someone starts thinking about who we are and what the meaning of life is. There are many trite and superficial answers that people may say to seem smart and deep, but there is an uncanny mystery to these questions that begs us to submit to our limitations.

Regardless of the futility of finding provable answers that don’t require faith to believe in, the process and exercise of asking and seeking the answers are profitable and even necessary to living a fulfilling life.

While there are some who bypass this process and simply stick to hedonistic and selfish pleasures with superficial and capricious values, they are building on a foundation of sand that will one day simply be washed away.

Time is a great equalizer when it comes to revealing the truth of what is in us and how whatever we sow we shall also reap.

There doesn’t even need to be some catastrophic incident or tragic happening to force us to recognize our own manipulations and failings. The cycle of life brings us back to the place we squirmed out of and ran from with ignorant assurances in our narcissistic minds.

With that said, some of us believe that humans have a soul that is separate from our body. The separation line isn’t as easy to discern, yet let’s say simply the soul is reflected and manifested through our mind, heart, and body.

The soul is what is real, it is what was made by God. The body is a temporary apparatus that has already died in the future, therefore, has a verifiable end in sight. On the other hand, the soul has a chance to live in eternity or be destroyed.

Some people believe the soul is eternal, yet the Bible says that only Jesus Christ is eternal — only God is eternal.

1 Timothy 6:14–16 (KJV)

That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;

Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

This means that only souls that are in the body of Jesus Christ have eternal life, as only He is immortal or eternal. Conversely, everyone who isn’t in the body of this one and only immortal being will not have eternal life.

1 Corinthians 12:27 (KJV)

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

I realize many people don’t believe in Jesus Christ or the Holy Bible, yet this is what I believe and so this is where I base my conclusions about the meaning of life.

I was a secular humanist for 7 years, disavowing my faith in Christianity from 19 to 26 YOA, but I was still a truth seeker and constantly searching for the truth through other than Christian avenues. In the end, I came back to the Holy Bible, as it was where the evidence of truth led and resided.

By faith, I know God created my soul. My soul is within my body and it is given life by the spirit of God and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Everyone who is alive has life because Jesus is with us, Emmanuel. This doesn’t mean they are in the body of Jesus.

Only those who believe in and obey the Holy Bible are in the body of Jesus Christ. The Word of God is Jesus Christ himself, as it says in John 1:1 and John 1:14.

Now consider that we are a soul.

This soul is in limbo, heading to eternal life or destruction.

When asking ourselves who we are, most people identify with their bodies, yet we are spiritual beings within a dying and decaying body. The soul is in conflict with the flesh.

The flesh is the fallen nature and is represented in the body doing sinful things. There is a conflict within us to do good or to do evil. When the soul decides to do evil, this is when the soul begins to die, for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

If someone mistakes their soul for their body or doesn’t believe they have a soul, then their soul is corrupted by their flesh to do evil.

Jesus Christ came to reconcile us back to God (2 Corinthians 5:18).

By believing in him and obeying his Word we are separating our souls from our flesh, in order to preserve our souls for God. Our true self, the soul, gains an understanding of the true nature of the reality we are battling.

The sinless blood of Jesus is a substitute for our sins. The sins of our past and the sins we stumble into on our walk with God once we believe are forgiven and covered by the sinless blood of Jesus with our repentance.

The awareness that we are our soul and we will continue on after this body dies is what begins to build our faith in God and our ability to fight against sin and the flesh.

I realize many people simply believe when we die there is nothing; that we have no soul. If that is where the evidence they’ve found through sincere truth-seeking brings them then so be it; I have found ample evidence of a supernatural realm, which indicates there is a metaphysical reality beyond our senses.

When I became a secular humanist at 19 YOA, I still believed in the supernatural. The most interesting theories I found were in metaphysical philosophy. P.D. Ouspensky is an author I read in his book In Search of the Miraculous.

While it was interesting and seemed to be leading me somewhere meaningful, in the end, I found the leading was the entire premise and the occult was the substance.

There is always a secret understanding everywhere you look, except for Christianity.

The Christian understanding is open to anyone who wants to know it.

Jesus Christ is not a respecter of persons and doesn’t have any secret knowledge for the elite.

We are our soul, not our body.

This should be comforting, knowing our bodies will inevitably perish and turn back into dust.

The meaning of our existence is to save our soul from destruction, or what the Bible calls the second death.

Revelation 20:14–15 (KJV)

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

God wants to be reconciled with our souls, which he created to be in communion with. Jesus Christ is the way we are reconciled back to God.

Our sin against God in the Garden of Eden is what separated us from God. Our knowledge of good and evil — that we could disobey God — created this fallen situation. Just knowing that we have disobeyed our creator has separated us from Him.

Many continue to disobey, refusing to believe in the Bible, which God has given us for our understanding.

The answers are with us, yet they are too simple for the flesh.

They resonate with our soul and fulfill our longing for truth, yet they contradict our flesh and the desires it longs for.

We are our souls.

This entire struggle of the human condition is a battle for souls.

God wants us to be reconciled back to him without sin and the adversary wants us to be slated for destruction like himself.

When I die my soul will be freed from my body and I will be given eternal life through Jesus Christ — this is my hope. As for now, life is with us for we are alive. Jesus is with us, knocking on the door of our hearts, asking for us to open it and give him entry.

Asking Jesus Christ into our hearts is to open the door of our hearts and soul for him to reside. No longer is he just giving us life in the body, he now is giving us life in our soul through the Holy Spirit.

Our soul with Jesus is given the power to separate from the desires of the flesh.

I am a soul within a body that has been reconciled back to the Creator. That is why I don’t want to live in sin, that is why I desire to be separate from worldliness and carnality.

The struggle for people is to understand this reality, to believe they are a soul, and to reach out to a savior and be reconciled back to their Creator. The adversary’s main purpose is to stop this reconciliation because he doesn’t have the same opportunity and misery loves company.

There is a supernatural force that loves our soul and one that hates it. One appeals to our souls beyond the flesh and the other appeals to our flesh beyond our soul.

It is my prayer that more people can see the simplicity in this understanding and begin to think like a spiritual soul in need of a savior, rather than a fleshly body that will enjoy the pleasure of sin until the inevitable end.

Only in Jesus Christ is eternal life, for only He is immortal. There is no eternal life outside of Jesus, only the second death — the destruction of the soul.

Originally published at Medium on Dec. 28, 2022


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