Where Did God Come From?

Ultimately, our understanding is limited.

This is probably the most in-depth question we could ask about this life. Pondering it will bring about an acute awareness of our limited understanding.

Even for those who believe alien life forms created us, well, where did they come from? Furthermore, where did the material for the Big Bang theory come from?

The origin story of existence always comes to this place where our human understanding is incapable of comprehending.

Personally, I believe in the Holy Bible in its inspired form. This tells me that God never had a beginning and will never have an ending. That is something we can’t understand in the fallen state we are in now.

In this world cursed by sin and death, we have a comprehensive mindset that there is a beginning and ending for everything, yet this has been cultivated by the curse we are under. When sin entered in, so did death, a beginning and an ending. Before this, we experienced the eternal with only the beginning of our creation in our minds.

Even before the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden, we probably couldn’t comprehend how God never had a beginning, as we had one when He created us.

The question that really boggles the mind and for me brings a fearful feeling is pondering what would happen if there was no God (Creator)? Nothingness is a scary concept if one carefully considers the implications.

Thankfully, there is something, so we don’t have to worry about the nothingness, yet where the something came from isn’t something I can comprehend.

God just is, always has been, and always will be. Thankfully God is love.

We know God is love because He came in the form of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, and died a cursed death for our sins, so we can be reconciled back to our Creator and spend eternity with a loving God in heaven.

With our limited understanding of God and the eternal, He had to condescend to our level of understanding as cursed humans to help us. The Holy Bible is this message we can understand — the truth as we can comprehend.

Unfortunately, questions like how is there no beginning and ending with God are simply beyond our capability to comprehend.

We are limited and must rely on faith, evidenced by the things we can comprehend, which are explained to us through God’s Word, the Holy Bible, and the evidence that aligns with it sincerely.

One final note; I find it interesting how modern humans apart from God think they know so much, yet can’t answer this simple question. If those who believe in science were being honest, they would conclude their understanding is very limited and humble themselves.


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