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Burning those who disagree with the AntiChrist power |
Chapter 1: In the Beginning
In the beginning, nearly 6000 years ago, humans ate the forbidden fruit and cursed ourselves and the world we have dominion over with sin and death. Disobedience always leads to sin and death, unless a savior intervenes and takes our punishment for us. This is what our Lord and Savior did nearly 2000 years ago, His sinless blood covering our sins; he died and rose again on the third day, to then commune with the disciples for 40 days until His ascension into heaven. The angels who were there after he went up into heaven said he would return the same way. Jesus is coming back to judge the world in righteousness and truth.
Until then, we have to deal with lies upon lies and tribulations, as in this world we will have tribulation. The erroneous thoughts of finding our treasure here in this temporary cursed existence have caused many a human to fall to temptations and the eventual destruction of their souls in the lake of fire. There is a remnant left, yet they are few and far between in this land of confusion and delusion.
The people of the television, the people of the lies are convinced in their rationalizations of the world being run by good people with our best intentions in mind -- like becoming robots that obey orders of evil and that defy common sense.
In the beginning of the modern brainwashing efforts (since after the federal reserve was created in 1913 specifically) there has been a concerted effort of the workers of iniquity to create a system of universal control and domination to their agenda. Just so happens to be they believe in Satan, as their deeds tell those who happen to hear or see the truth among the fields of lies, censorship, and coverups.
The 2nd protest against the AntiChrist power must be the final conclusion to this wicked tyranny coming at us in the form of a sheep, an innocent old man (Pope). The enemy always works to deceive us into thinking they are good and innocent, when in fact they are evil and guilty of unspeakable acts of cruelty and horror.
The average person can't conceive of the truth of our present reality, although it is easy to understand when one can accept the conclusions set forth in the Bible, namely, the AntiChrist is the Papacy and Mystery Babylon is the Roman Catholic Institution, as well as there is a conspiracy against the Lord and his anointed (Pslams Ch.2). When we know the source of the confusion and lies then we can combat it with our awareness and discernment. Otherwise, we are sitting ducks or easy targets, even helpful aids to the enemy of our souls and God.
The protest has more to do than exposing the AntiChrist, it has to do with connecting people to the truth of the Word of God, as it pertains to their salvation, growth as a Christian, and their spiritual warfare. As a good soldier of Christ Jesus, the saints can be effective in the battle for human souls by having the true knowledge of our reality, past, present, and future, in as much as the Lord shows us through His Word.
In other words, this battle includes aspects of our daily living, our choices, our thoughts, and the holistic societal influences we are facing in this strange time we live in. The future generations are going to wonder more than ever what is the truth among such an ironclad environment of lies around them. Without true history at their disposal, without wise older people to teach them, and without the fear of God that brings knowledge, the people will be in darkness nearly completely. God won't allow the truth to be extinguished though, this much is true; there will be a remnant of people who hold true to God's word and the truth in their everyday lives. They will remain honest people free from the shackles of lies and confusion, albeit persecuted and scorned for their integrity and honest pursuit of the truth.
What is the meaning of life? To survive at all cost? Well, we then fail miserably my fellow humans, for we all perish from this temporary existence; thankfully, for those who believe and are part of Jesus Christ, we will have eternal life, not because we are sinless, but because we confessed our sins, repented, and believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, for He alone is sinless.
It is true, in this world you will have tribulation. Trying to avoid this and pretend there is nothing wrong isn't going to work very well. It's like a bird sticking his head in the sand to escape the enemy predators. The closer a person gets to the truth, the more tribulation they will have, although they will also live a meaningful and purposeful life. They will have blessed assurance of their salvation when they are dying, in fact, they will in a sense be ready to leave this troubled world to be in a much better place we can only hope and have faith to see down in this existence.
The rising protest is a natural occurrence or outcome to combat the lies and efforts of the enemy. Once the lies are seen through, those who are saved yet deceived into Futurism and other Catholic doctrines will finally see clearly who is the enemy causing so much damage. Those who saw it before were ridiculed and destroyed in front of the deceived Christians, but now they will become the ridiculed and targeted for destruction Christian they saw the others become in the process of their persecution by the Beast system and wicked AntiChrist power. Tony Alamo, Alberto Rivera, General Patton, Abraham Lincoln, JFK and many many others (sinners and saints) who dared challenge the great Beast power and their evil agenda of lies and hate.
The rising 2nd Protestant Reformation doesn't seem plausible as they have yet to play out their Jesuit-created Futurist eschatology, yet the Word of God explains how Mystery Babylon will be destroyed by the Beast she is riding (Revelation Ch.18), the Holy Roman Empire from my understanding.
Historicism, the correct Protestant understanding of prophecy will become the prevailing doctrine once the lies of Futurism are uncovered after their failed plots come to pass. Yet, honestly, the deception is going to get so crazy, no one will understand what is happening except for those faithful who found the truth through the Holy Bible, history, and God's help.
After the destruction from lies becomes inescapable in America and the world, many people silent now will start demanding answers and seeking truth. This will lead to a growing understanding of the true prophetical interpretation of Historicism, which explains the past, present, and future in details ignored on purpose by the Jesuit masters of today's evangelicalism.
Until then, those who know the truth and stand by the convictions it brings through many proofs and facts will be lonely people indeed. Most people aren't willing to follow the evidence where it leads, most aren't willing to depart from the masses of ignorant fools being led astray. The price of loneliness, being misunderstood and enduring many persecutions, even and especially from family members and friends, will refine those who love the truth into soldiers and servants of God that can endure hardness.
God will work out the details. Yes, it is a mind warp dealing with such oppressed and hidden truths; one may ask, can this be true? Over and over it needs to be validated as we go through life among the brainwashed populace. There is a famine in the land for the truth, for the Word of God understood. People are perishing because of this famine more than a real famine with food.
The most important thing to me is to know when I pass from this world, that Jesus Christ is there to take me to be with Him in heaven. That is the assurance I need to get by each and every day in this cursed world full of sin, death, lies, and confusion.
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