
Where Did God Come From?

Ultimately, our understanding is limited. This is probably the most in-depth question we could ask about this life. Pondering it will bring about an acute awareness of our limited understanding. Even for those who believe alien life forms created us, well, where did they come from? Furthermore, where did the material for the Big Bang theory come from? The origin story of existence always comes to this place where our human understanding is incapable of comprehending. Personally, I believe in the Holy Bible in its inspired form. This tells me that God never had a beginning and will never have an ending. That is something we can’t understand in the fallen state we are in now. In this world cursed by sin and death, we have a comprehensive mindset that there is a beginning and ending for everything, yet this has been cultivated by the curse we are under. When sin entered in, so did death, a beginning and an ending. Before this, we experienced the eternal with only the beginning of our crea

Death Humbles Everyone

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD

The light of the body is the eye

He that humbleth himself shall be exalted

Truth brings division and not peace

Janelle Wooford's Christian NDE Testimony in Heaven

Watch: Jimmy Evans – Demystifying Marriage – The Four Laws of Love for Marriage

Saint Paul’s Story Teaches Us Patience

Is There One Truth or Billions?

The Body and the Soul

Howard Storm’s Profound Near-Death Experience

Watch: Till There Was No Remedy

Watch: "Yeshua | Full Movie | Dr. Oswald Hoffman | Dan Mason | Ian Rosenberg | Leslie Luciani"

Watch: Win Worley Sermon Attack! Attack! Attack!

Watch: Program #398 - Precious Testimonies (Christian)

Watch "Exposing the Pride that Wants to be Top and Center" (Pure Life Ministries)

Watch "Ellen G. White: Prophet or Pretender?" Full-length Documentary

The Lowdown Truth #29: Lukewarm American Christianity

The Rising Protest Ch. 2: True History

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