
Robbie Newport (Lowdown0)
Fawn Newport (Lightlady)

Blessings in Jesus Christ,  

Jesus Loves Ministry was started in June 2014 by Robbie and Fawn Newport. 

My wife and I started this ministry to encourage and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, broken, and hurting people in the world and in America -- both saved and unsaved. We have been given a second chance in life to live for God and redeem the time and we are blessed to help others find comfort and truth in Jesus Christ in this temporary time and in the eternity after.    

JLM focuses on ministering to those who the world has forgotten and disregarded. The homeless, poor, addicted, dysfunctional, incarcerated, and hurting people who struggle to find hope in their lives.

JLM is a Protestant Christian ministry that believes in Historicism (the Papacy is the AntiChrist).

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