
Now, We See Through a Glass Darkly

In this temporary world, we know in part. Think about looking through a dark glass, or looking through a glass darkly, and this is how clearly we understand scriptures and the truth. 1 Corinthians 13: 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known. The inspired King James 1611 Authorized Version is the infallible Word of God, yet even with this perfect Holy Bible, our understanding is only in part, as we see through a glass darkly. This explains why there are so many divisions among sincere believers. The stronger the move of God, the stronger the Devil works to create divisions and counterfeits. This is a frustrating experience for believers who would rather things be simple and easy. When our temporary existence in the world is over and we are with Jesus in heaven, we will have that simple experience, we will see clearly and fully know as we are known of God. I think all true believers touched by the infi...

Only Jesus Christ is Immortal

Where Did God Come From?

Death Humbles Everyone

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD

The light of the body is the eye

He that humbleth himself shall be exalted

Truth brings division and not peace

Janelle Wooford's Christian NDE Testimony in Heaven

Watch: Jimmy Evans – Demystifying Marriage – The Four Laws of Love for Marriage

Saint Paul’s Story Teaches Us Patience

Is There One Truth or Billions?

The Body and the Soul

Howard Storm’s Profound Near-Death Experience

Watch: Till There Was No Remedy

Watch: "Yeshua | Full Movie | Dr. Oswald Hoffman | Dan Mason | Ian Rosenberg | Leslie Luciani"

Watch: Win Worley Sermon Attack! Attack! Attack!

Watch: Program #398 - Precious Testimonies (Christian)

Watch "Exposing the Pride that Wants to be Top and Center" (Pure Life Ministries)

Watch "Ellen G. White: Prophet or Pretender?" Full-length Documentary

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